National Carer Survey 2024

National Carer Survey 2024

National Carer Survey – Now Open!

Have your say to influence change and be in the draw for a $200 Gift Voucher

Victorian Carers are invited to have their say by completing the National Carer Survey.

The National Carer Survey is conducted every two years and is open to all carers across Australia, in partnership with the Carer Organisations in each state and territory, including Carers Victoria.

The results are one of the most important data sets we have to demonstrate who carers are, how the carer population is changing, and what’s most important to them.

Carers Victoria CEO Judith Abbott said, ‘If you can find the time, we encourage you to complete the survey, as the data generated is vital to support our efforts in increasing understanding of, and support for carers.’

Who can respond?

All carers (and former carers) who are aged 16 years or older can respond to the National Carer Survey.

A carer is anyone who provides care and support to a family member or friend who lives with disability, mental illness, alcohol or drug dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is older aged and requiring support.

How can you respond?

The 2024 National Carer Survey can be completed in two ways:

  1. Online:
  2. On paper: paper copies can be requested via contact details below
    Phone: 1800 514 845
    Order form

When can you respond?

The National Carer Survey is open from 1 June 2024 and closes 31 July 2024.

How long does it take to respond?

Responding to the full survey will take around 20 to 30 minutes.

However, First Nations carers and young carers can choose to just complete the first few questions up to the end of the relevant section ‘For First Nations carers’ or ‘For young carers.’

Why should you respond?

Participating in the survey is a great opportunity for your experiences, concerns and ideas to be heard by decision makers.

Carer Survey results have been used in policy submissions, government reports, and Parliamentary hearings to raise awareness and advocate for carers.

You can also enter a prize draw to win a $200 gift voucher.

How will responses and personal information be used?

The survey is anonymous. Responses will be grouped together and analysed as a whole, without identifying individuals.

The findings of the report will be published in October 2024, followed by a full report in early 2025, and a detailed First Nations carers report in October 2025.

Please see the FAQs, Glossary and Impact Statement documents below for further information.

Stakeholder Kit

If you work with or support carers and would like to promote the survey, please download the Stakeholder Kit to access resources.

Join Carers Victoria membership for your chance to WIN!