Carers Victoria leads and participates in a number of research projects to improve the evidence base around carer issues. We have taken a lead role in engaging with carers to understand current and emerging issues that impact the caring role.
National Carer Survey
National Carer Survey
The National Carer Survey is conducted every two years in partnership with the carer organisations in each state and territory and led by Carers NSW. The Survey is open to all carers across Australia who are aged 16 years or older. Those who are no longer providing care can also complete the Survey. The survey findings help Carers Victoria advocate for carers, influence policy development and improve service delivery for carers into the future; results have been used in policy submissions, government reports and Parliamentary hearings to raise awareness and advocate for carers. See the National Carer Survey Impact Statement.
The National Carer Survey is an initiative of Carers NSW in partnership with the other State and Territory Carer Organisations. The Survey is proudly funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).
2024 National Carer Survey
The 2024 National Carer Survey was conducted from June to July 2024, and Victorian carers accounted for 26.5% of the total number of respondents. Key findings were:
- Financial stress - 62% reported financial stress (up 6%) and 22% reported financial distress* (up 8%).
- Mental health and wellbeing of carers - 45% reported their wellbeing was either low or very low.
- Social isolation - 52% reported high levels of isolation.
- Lack of recognition - 60% reported they did not believe their caring role was recognised or valued by the government and 49% felt it wasn’t recognised by the community.
*Financial stress means difficulty meeting basic financial needs and commitments, such as housing and food. Financial distress is defined as four or more experiences of financial stress in the previous 12 months.
Source: Carers NSW, 2024: 2024 National Carer Survey. Summary tables for Victoria. A short fact sheet of initial results for each state and territory, as well as nationally, was published during National Carers Week, and can be downloaded from the Carers NSW website.
Carer Mental Health and Wellbeing
Carers are at significantly higher risk of poorer mental health and wellbeing than the general population. They report social isolation and loneliness at 2–3 times the rates of the general population.
Download the fact sheet here.
COVID-19 and Carers Survey Dec 2021
Carers Victoria surveyed carers in December 2021 to understand the impact of the pandemic on their caring role.
Download an Overview of Findings from the survey here.
Download a copy of the key themes here.
For more information about how these responses have shaped Carers Victoria’s policy platform, click here.
More Services and Better Navigation
Carers tell us that it is complex and confusing trying to find the help they need – a state-based advisory service is essential to fill current system gaps.
Download the fact sheet here.
Over One Million Carers by 2025
Carers Victoria has conducted modelling that brings together ABS data and other datasets. Our (conservative) estimate is that by the end of 2025, over 1 million Victorians will be unpaid carers.
Download the fact sheet here.
Support for Carers in Crisis
People in care relationships are more vulnerable during a crisis because both have higher-level health needs and services often don’t recognise care relationships.
Download the fact sheet here.
UniMelb Impact Evaluation Brief 2024
In 2020, Carers Victoria was supported by the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) to design and deliver the Online Carer Wellbeing & Connection program. This was adapted from a face-to-face program planned as part of the In Touch initiative to address social isolation, loneliness and connection with carers. The online adaptation of the program responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Online Carer Wellbeing and Connection program aims to support emotional wellbeing and improve carer connection.
This report presents the longitudinal evaluation of the Online Carer Wellbeing and Connection program delivered over 2020-mid 2024.
Download the report here.