Land Tax Temporary Absence ProvisionsPrincipal place of residence exemption for land tax where the owner has lost the ability to live independently.
Qantas Carer Concession CardDiscounted airfares when a carer is required to support a person with a disability to travel.
Travel on Public Transport - Victorian Government Concession fares give you a 50 per cent discount on travel. You may also be eligible for free travel.
Victorian Carer CardThe Victorian Carer Card recognises the significant contribution carers make to the lives of people they care for and the communities in which they live.
Victorian Government - Concessions and Benefits (Full Listing)The Commonwealth Government issues concession cards for a range of people based on categories such as: income, age, disability or veteran status.
Victorian Government - Energy ConcessionsVictorians on low incomes can receive concessions and benefits to help pay their energy bills.
Victorian Government - Municipal rates concessionVictorian home owners with eligible concession cards can claim a deduction on council rates.
Victorian Government - Recreation Benefits and ConcessionsConcession cardholders can save money on a variety of recreational activities.
Victorian Government - Transport – Car Registration ConcessionsEligible concession cardholders can reduce their car registration fee by half.
Victorian Government - Water and sewerage concessionEligible concession card holders can have 50 per cent deducted automatically from their water bill.