Victorian Mental Health Carer Support Fund

The Mental Health Carer Support Fund aims to meet the needs of family members and friends supporting a person who is receiving services from a Victorian Area Mental Health Service.

What is it?

The Mental Health Carer Support Fund aims to meet the needs of family members and friends supporting a person who is receiving services from a Victorian Area Mental Health Service.

It provides funding to assist people in their support role, to promote and sustain the relationship, and improve the wellbeing of families and members of the community performing this role.

Funds can be used for a range of purposes to benefit carers. Each application is for a maximum of $850. In total, a maximum of $1,000 will be approved per financial year.


Family members or friends who are supporting a person who is receiving services from an Area Mental Health Service (AMHS) are eligible to apply.

The Fund should only be used to meet consumer costs in situations where the carer derives the main benefit.

Family members or friends who are in a care relationship with a person who is receiving services from a Victorian Area Mental Health Service are eligible to apply. All applications have to be made through and are approved by the Area Mental Health Service who then forward the application to Tandem for processing.

Applications may be made to benefit family members as long as the carer is the principal beneficiary.

Further information


Online applications can be accessed via

If you are not registered for online applications please email your full email signature and contact details to with your manager or team leader in copy, and you will be provided with access and login details.