'The Voice' Blog December 2024

Welcome to the December Edition of the Voice
CEO Message
It has been a busy year for the team at Carers Victoria – I’m sure it has been for all of you too!
Over the year, it’s been great to be able to offer more funded activities for carers across Victoria; to provide grants to Carer Support Groups across the state which make it possible for more carers to connect locally; and we’ve changed the way we respond to calls from carers so that over 80% of calls are now answered by our expert Carer Support Advisors in real time. They are all practical changes to improve things for carers – the reason we are here.
It's also been a solid year for advocacy, from participating in national efforts to raise awareness and support for changes that improve the financial standing of carers through to local efforts to raise awareness of the needs, priorities and perspectives of carers. There were great responses to this year’s Carer Wellbeing and National Carer Surveys, and that data is helping equip us for the lead up to the 2026 state election!
I’d like to thank our funders, supporters, volunteers and staff – this is most definitely a joint effort, and we look forward to working hard in 2025 to advance understanding and recognition of carers and improve their access to support: whoever they are, wherever they live, and wherever they are at in their caring journey.
In closing, I hope you and yours have a safe and joyful end of year and I look forward to connecting with as many of you as possible in 2025.
Take care,

Year End Wrap-Up
CEO Reflections for 2024
We have recently released our Annual Review for the 2023-24 year, and it paints a picture of how Carers Victoria is evolving to meet the changing needs – and growing number – of carers. One of the things I am proudest of is how we have been able to reach and support more carers in rural and regional Victoria.
I know there is so much more for us to do, but over one-third of the carers we connected with over 2023-24 were from outside Melbourne. At the same time, we increased the number of funded activities available to carers through delivery of more group programs, coupled with new offerings like the Carer Short Break program.
Another thing I am very proud of is how we have been able to provide more support to local Carer Support Groups. When time is tight or it’s challenging to step away from the person you care for, it can be valuable to have the option of connecting to others locally who get what it’s like and often have tips for how to get what you need nearby. We allocated over 200 grants to Carer Support Groups in the 2023-24 year and are so glad it gave 3000+ carers the opportunity for local connections and support. Alongside that, we were able to provide Victorian Government funded grants to 41 community groups through our Connecting Carers in their Community Grants program and will continue to expand our focus on supporting local networks and connections.
A very practical change we made this year is to how we manage calls to our organisation. Our new system quickly connects people to the information, advice and support they need – wherever they live in Victoria. We know that for many carers, the complexity of the systems – and the frustration with the time it takes to try and find what you need, including the time spent waiting for call backs when you need that now – is very real. Now when you call Carers Victoria during business hours, you will be connected with one of our expert Carer Support Advisors who can work with you to understand where you’re at, what you need and connect you to available services, without waiting for a call back. That’s what I want in my own caring role, and I know it’s what many of you have wanted too.
And as always, it’s been great to personally connect with – and benefit from the insights, the advice, and the experiences of – carers across the state. I thank you for sharing those with me and my team at Carers Victoria, as they both arm us with additional evidence and strengthen our resolve to continue advocating for a different future for carers.
A future where:
- you don’t have to explain what the role is (because people understand and respect it)
- you don’t have to fight to be part of the discussions, the planning and the reviews that impact your care relationships
- when you need a hand, you can get that help, simply and easily.
With a state election scheduled for November 2026 we are already getting ready to go, with the goal of making carers impossible to ignore – and we will be seeking to get as many carers as possible to walk alongside us in making carers a force to be reckoned with in this state!
As our Annual Review recognises, Carers Victoria benefits from both state and federal government support; from the support of a small range of corporate, philanthropic and private donors; and from the generosity of volunteers who sit on our Board, our committees and perform other vital tasks such as speaking with media about their own lived experiences. We also benefit from a skilled team of staff, and collaboration with a diverse range of partner organisations. All of those are critical to our mission, and I thank everyone who has contributed.

Bushfire Safety and Planning for Carers
Do you feel confident and ready for the risk of bushfire? Have you planned and practised with the person you care for?
Carers Victoria and the Country Fire Authority (CFA) have created a free e-learning tool to help carers with bushfire planning.
Topics include:
- discussing, preparing, and practising bushfire safety plans with the person you care for
- accessibility and transport arrangements for evacuation plans
- what to put in an emergency ‘grab’ kit
- who to speak with about your plan.
The online learning module takes approximately one hour, you can work through it at your own pace and even complete it together with the person you care for.
Join the more than 700 Victorian carers who have used the tool to improve their bushfire preparedness.
Visit E-learning | CFA (Country Fire Authority) and select ‘Bushfire Planning: You and the person you care for.’
What’s On In December and Early 2025
We may be fast approaching the silly season, but we’ve still got a handful of events to squeeze in before the end of the year. Or if your December is already action-packed, get in early and register for one of our events in early 2025 – what a great way to kick-off the new year!
Visit our What’s On calendar to explore what we have on offer. All events are free of charge, but places are limited, so don’t forget to register.
Find out what’s happening:

Changes to the Carers Victoria Board and Office Bearers
At our recent Annual General Meeting (AGM), Sue Peden AM, Board Chair and Guy Carvalho, Treasurer retired from the Board (after 11 and eight years of service, respectively). Callum Ingram was reappointed for a term of 12 months, and a new Director, Jill Gleeson, was also appointed to the Board. Jill brings extensive governance and clinical experience, which will strengthen the Board’s overall capacity and complement the skills and expertise of continuing directors.
New Office Bearers
The changing of the guard at the AGM also led to changes in office bearers at the Board level, and for the coming year: Callum Ingram will be Chair, Nick Field will be Deputy Chair and Karina Posanzini will assume the role of Treasurer. All three bring deep experience and expertise to these roles, which will help ensure that the organisation continues to drive towards its purpose of advancing understanding of Victoria’s carers and improving their access to assistance.
National Carer Strategy Update
A draft National Carer Strategy was recently released by the Department of Social Services, with a very short time for comment. Like other members of the National Carers Network, Carers Victoria was concerned about both the content and framing of the draft Strategy and the tight timelines in which comment was sought.
We contributed to a joint submission in response, highlighting the importance of the Australian Government taking the opportunity that development of the Strategy presented, to demonstrate it was listening to carers, and to deliver a document that gave carers across the nation confidence that there would be positive improvements for them over time.
Some of our key feedback was:
- the need to move away from negative language, and to actively include and embed the voice of carers in all aspects of design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of actions arising from the Strategy
- the importance of recognising that financial pressures are a major issue for carers and need to be addressed
- the need to more explicitly recognise carers’ needs outside of their direct caring role to enable their full participation in the community, workforce and education settings
- the importance of ensuring the Strategy genuinely reflects what carers have told government, both via the consultations run for the Strategy and through the recent Federal Inquiry. As such, we advocated for the 22 recommendations of the Federal Inquiry into the Recognition of Unpaid Carers in Australia: Recognising, valuing and supporting unpaid carers report released by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs to be addressed in the Strategy, including adopting all recommendations directly related to the National Carer Strategy and Carer Gateway reform
- the need to include concrete and practical actions to make improvements in the critical areas that carers have told us are a priority, for example:
- alleviating financial hardship
- making it easier to navigate the NDIS, My Aged Care, Services Australia and other service systems to find information and get the supports needed
- increasing access to respite in metropolitan, rural and regional locations
- recognising the diversity of the caring experience and providing tailored supports and advice to assist carers at different stages of their caring journey.
This submission followed Carers Victoria’s submission to the Department of Social Services in September which was based on what carers had told us was critical to include in the National Carer Strategy.
Thank you again to all those Victorian carers who participated in the consultation process over 2024 to provide feedback to the Australian Government. Your insights and views are critical to help shape the new National Carers Strategy.
Carers Victoria will continue to work hard to elevate carer voice in all aspects of the National Carer Strategy as it is finalised.
We anticipate the Strategy will be released at the end of the year and will continue to post updates in upcoming editions of The Voice.
Art Against Ageism Winners Announced!
The fourth annual Art Against Ageism competition invited artists across Australia to challenge the negative stereotypes of ageing. Contributors used their art to show the beauty, diverse capabilities and mindset of senior people. A huge 650 entries were received – three times that of the year before!
Finalists were invited to a special event at the new Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) building in Seddon on 30 October to unveil the winners, with some entrants flying in from as far as Brisbane, Sydney and Tasmania.
A panel of judges (including Leah Lonsdale from Carers Victoria) evaluated each entry against specific criteria, which included how effectively the piece challenged negative stereotypes of ageing.
The competition was run by the Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS), and was supported with sponsorship from Carers Victoria, Carer Gateway/Merri Health, Elder Rights Advocacy and Language Loop.
To find out more about the competition visit: Art Against Ageism Competition - Australian Multicultural Community Services
Holiday Closure and Support
Please note that Carers Victoria will be closed from the afternoon of Tuesday 24 December 2024 and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025.
If you need any support or assistance during the closure period, please reach out to Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737.
We wish you a peaceful and joyful holiday season and look forward to reconnecting with you in the new year!

Winners are Grinners!
A big congratulations to Nicole I, of Geelong, who is the winner of our Accor gift card competition!
We hope you enjoy a well-earned break.
Play for Purpose Raffle #25 – Last Chance to Win a $250K Prize Pack
Don't miss your chance to win the $250K First Prize Pack in Raffle 25 which closes at 8pm (AEST) Thursday 12 December 2024.
With fewer than ten days left, you could be taking home the $250K First Prize Pack which includes a $125K BMW X4, $64K all-electric Mini Cooper SE, and over $60K in cashable gold bullion!
This incredible first prize could be yours for only $10!
Every ticket purchased through Carers Victoria will raise funds to support Victorian carers like you.
Terms and Conditions apply.

Encourage Carers to Connect with us
Do you know someone in a caring role who could benefit from being a Carers Victoria member? Encourage them to connect with us!
Membership benefits include:
- access to events and workshops with other carers
- championing for change through consultations
- this monthly eBulletin full of carer news and resources
- digital access to the Australian Carers Guide magazine
- special member offers and discounts on goods and services.
Join for free!
Australian Carers Guide Summer Edition – Out Now!
The Australian Carers Guide Summer edition is loaded with great articles and activities to support carers.
In this edition: ways to soothe loneliness and make new friends, understanding home care reforms, navigating the holidays when you care for someone with dementia, and recipes for healthy, quick and simple meals.
You can also enjoy some relaxation with puzzles, quizzes, and brain games!
Read the magazine online or pick up the latest edition at your favourite newsagent. The Australian Carers Guide is circulated to more than 80,000 readers and subscribers and it is the go-to magazine for unpaid carers around the country.

Maree's Story
Maree and her husband have built their life around caring for their daughter Olivia, who was born with a rare genetic disorder. Though Olivia experienced health difficulties and developmental delays from infancy, she was almost 30 years old before medical experts were able to accurately diagnose the cause.
‘Had Olivia not been my fifth child, I would have floundered more than I did with her early months of life. She was difficult to settle to sleep, constantly vomited up her feeds and was often unwell,’ Maree explains.
When Olivia was a toddler, the family was told that she had an unknown genetic condition. Tissue and blood samples were taken so that they could continue testing as new conditions were identified in the future.
‘I constantly researched, looking for evidence of other children like Olivia, to see if she matched any of the known, rarer syndromes,’ Maree says.
Throughout Olivia’s childhood, and into adulthood, Maree took her to see a long list of medical professionals including gastroenterologists, neurologists, the Royal Children's Hospital team, and paediatric specialists, to assess and treat her multiple and complex needs.
Do You Have a Story to Tell?
You are welcome to write your carer story yourself or answer some questions, which we will use to write your story for you. Not all stories will be chosen for the website. However, with your permission, we may share your story in future campaigns, policy and advocacy work.
Follow the link to find out how you can share your story.
- Topic: My carer story
- Length: No longer than 400 words
- Format: Type your story in an email or a Word document, addressing the following:
- What can you tell us about your caring journey?
- Are there particular challenges you face in your role?
- Do you have any advice or tips you’d share with a new carer? - Need inspiration? See other stories that have been written here.
- Submission process: Please email your story to eBulletin@carersvictoria.org.au
- What if your story is chosen? Your story will be edited and returned to you to make sure you are happy with the final version before it is published. We may also ask for accompanying images to be shared with your permission.
If you have any questions, please email: eBulletin@carersvictoria.org.au
We look forward to hearing more about your experience as a carer.