The Bairnsdale Carers Group

Our group provides outings where carers can catch up and chat over a coffee each month as well as a day outing somewhere where they can get out of town and do an activity within the community

Our group provides outings where carers can catch up and chat over a coffee each month as well as a day outing somewhere where they can get out of town and do an activity within the community.

Meeting details

Every second Tuesday of the month - 10.00am - 12.00pm

Frequently asked questions

Who is this group for?

Not required

What activities does the group undertake throughout the year?

Our group provides outings where carers can catch up and chat over a coffee each month as well as a day outing somewhere where they can get out of town and do an activity within the community.

Is there a cost?


Can the person I care for attend the carer support group meetings with me?


Does the location where you meet have wheelchair access?


Phoenix Food & Coffee Bairnsdale VIC 3875