Ovens Valley Carer Support Group

The Oven's Valley is a general carer support group for carers caring for someone with dementia, disability or a chronic health condition.

The Oven's Valley is a general carer support group for carers caring for someone with dementia, disability or a chronic health condition. The group meets monthly in Myrtleford on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Meeting details

3rd Wednesday of the month - 10.30am -12.00pm

Frequently asked questions

Who is this group for?

Carers caring for someone with dementia, disability or a chronic health condition.

What activities does the group undertake throughout the year?

This facilitated carer group meets monthly for social engagement, information sharing, education and of course morning tea. Throughout the years carers and those they care for are eligible to attend social outings and activities such as bus trips, lunches, movie visits and other activities

Is there a cost?


Can the person I care for attend the carer support group meetings with me?


Does the location where you meet have wheelchair access?


Myrtleford, Victoria, 3636, Australia.