Latrobe Community Health Baw Baw Carer Programs

Latrobe Community Health Services, Carer Programs, Baw Baw, provides support and events for people who are caring for someone who is frail aged, has a disability, chronic health condition or mental illness and live in Baw Baw shire.

Latrobe Community Health Services, Carer Programs, Baw Baw, provides support and events for people who are caring for someone who is frail aged, has a disability, chronic health condition or mental illness and live in Baw Baw shire. Many events are open to carers and their care recipients and are free. We include social, educational and physical events to cater to a range of interests.

Meeting details

1st Thursday every Month - 11.00am - 1.00pm

Frequently asked questions

What activities does the group undertake throughout the year?

We have regular monthly Carer Catch up group and Dementia Carers group for carers only. Other events include monthly luncheons for carers and care recipients, Musical Memories, Walking groups, Educational sessions relevant to carers, and a range of special interest activities each month.

Is there a cost?


Can the person I care for attend the carer support group meetings with me?


Does the location where you meet have wheelchair access?


Warragul Community House 138 Normanby Street Warragul VIC 3820