Chiltern - Indigo Carer Support Group

The Indigo Carer Support group meets on the first Tuesday of the month at a local venue in Chiltern.

This social group is available for carers of people with a chronic illness, aged, disability or dementia. The group is facilitated by a worker from Support Options UMFC and provides a safe and supportive environment for carers to share their experience of caring and to learn from each other.

Meeting details

First Tuesday of the month at 10.30am. Please contact Support Options to receive invitations to the group - 10.30am

Frequently asked questions

What activities does the group undertake throughout the year?

This social group meets monthly in a local venue in Chiltern for tea, coffee and cake. Carers attending this group, also have opportunity to attend other events and activities organised by Support Options. These generally include activities that are open to carers and those they care.

Is there a cost?


Can the person I care for attend the carer support group meetings with me?


Does the location where you meet have wheelchair access?


Chiltern - Indigo VIC 3683


Sharee Donegan

02 6057 8419