Carer Respite Support Group

Carers meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 10.00am

Carers meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 10.00am - 11.30am they enjoy a cuppa and a chat and the chance to catch up with other carers.

Meeting details

2nd Tuesday of the Month - 10.30am

Frequently asked questions

Who is this group for?

All carers who live in the Northern Grampians Shire

What activities does the group undertake throughout the year?

They enjoy a luncheon once every quarter. Outings and retreats annual.

Is there a cost?


Can the person I care for attend the carer support group meetings with me?


Does the location where you meet have wheelchair access?


Grampians Community Health Centre 8 - 22 Patrick Street Stawell VIC 3380


Sue Palmer

03 5358 7400